High Performance Racquets
E-Force’s Performance Racquet series look different from all other racquets because they have patented technologies that no other racquet can offer. Whether it is the new E-Force PowerBoosters now equipped on every Performance Racquet or E-Force's patented Extreme LongString mainstrings going all the way through the hollow handle and covered by vibration damping ZeroRichterTubes, you notice the distinctive look of an E-Force racquet immediately.
But it’s not just a look, their power is undeniable. These Performance racquets have advanced racquetball technologies that enhance the power of an E-Force racquet beyond any competitor racquet.
With Power Technologies that no other racquets have, you must have an E-Force racquet if you want to play your best. Play an E-Force Performance Racquet today and find out why the players say:
"Once you hit it, you know".
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